Paulownia Plantation Richmond

My Ratings (8out of 10)

Paulownia Plantation Richmond

Wedding Photography Location Sydney

Just near the town of Richmond NSW is a small plantation of Paulownia trees open for booking your wedding photography. This area is fascinating to say the least and the first time i photographed a wedding shoot here was quite difficult. The time of day was late afternoon with a setting sun. At first i expected great things from this area but the setting sun was throwing harsh shadows through the trees making a speckled effect right through the canopy of trees. 
    During the trees growth period you will find some stages of complete coverage from light  coming in from above whilst other times (when there are no leaves on the trees) there are just twigs and branches above.  As long as your photographer can work with shadows cast from the trees they will have no problems. This distance shot of the amazing pink hummer set against the trees as a backdrop worked well.

The tunnel like effect is quite unique here and can add a great sence of depth. If you pick the right time of year the trees drop their flowers and it appears as snow falling within the tree lines.(Amazing)

A quick "girl power" photo seemed like a great way of popping the pink dresses all at once. You will need to book in for your photography time here with the old famer that owns the plantation. The fees are very cheap compared with other Sydney wedding photography locations

Gorgeous Light will trtavel through the trees giving your photographer a chance of nice portait style photos.
I ranked this area an 8 out of 10 because it is a rare place that is hard to match anywhere else... be very careful of the twigs on the ground, they snare the dress easily.

Wayne Robertson

please note: these ratings are based on photography only and not the wedding couple nor their wedding day.
By Wayne Robertson
Ph: 0405 266 366

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